The Kitmart Dundee Stars are delighted to reveal our newest decade jersey!

We will be wearing these bespoke one-off jerseys at our game V Coventry Blaze on Friday 25th March when we will be looking back to the start of the new millenia and the formative years of the Dundee Stars!



We highly encourage those who will be in attendance to dress with the theme of the night and bring back the good, the bad, dress up, dress down and relive the fashion trends from the first decade of the millennia and enjoy all the sounds of the Naughties!

We look forward to seeing you all there!

These jerseys will be auctioned off online and the auction will finish on Sunday 3rd April from 12pm onwards!


Latest News
Trade-Mart Dundee Stars Team
31 Games
11 Wins
18 Losses
2 OT Losses
24 Points