There are lots of things going on around the arena tonight as Braehead Clan are the first visitors to DIA in 2018.

50/50, Chuck-a-puck & Shirt off the Back

As always make sure you get your tickets for our 50/50 draw for a chance to win tonight’s jackpot as well as tickets for shirt off the back and the Cineworld chuck-a-puck.

Tonight’s featured player on Shirt off the Back is Anthony Mastrodicasa.

Zorb Football

Stars and Clan fans will go head to head at the end of the first period in our all new zorb football! Three fans will represent their side as they enter the ice in an inflatable ball. Who will take the bragging rights in this one?

Game Night Giveaways

Keep an eye out for tonight’s in-game giveaways including limited edition Dundee Stars Cross Check Clothing merchandise, the Ridgevale Bar & Kitchen lucky seat and our Domino’s Pizza gun!

OSC Table

Head along to the OSC table tonight where the team will be taking names for the following trips:

7 January v Edinburgh

20 January v Fife

28 January v Edinburgh

The table will also be selling limited edition Travis Fullerton pucks and offering you the chance to join this season’s Dundee Stars Kit Club!

Make sure you are loud and proud tonight! Enjoy the game! #COYS

Latest News
Trade-Mart Dundee Stars Team
36 Games
14 Wins
19 Losses
3 OT Losses
31 Points