Game changes and postponements due to COVID-19 protocol.
The Belfast Giants, Dundee Stars and Nottingham Panthers have all been placed into the Elite League’s COVID19 protocol on Wednesday. This means that the following EIHL games have been postponed:
Games 83 & 84: Belfast Giants vs. Sheffield Steelers (17 & 18 December)
Game 85: Cardiff Devils vs. Nottingham Panthers (18 December)
Game 96: Dundee Stars vs. Nottingham Panthers (22 December)
In an update to the schedule, on Saturday 18 December Cardiff will host the Sheffield Steelers at Ice Arena Wales (Game 140). This replaces the fixture on 19 January 2022. On Wednesday 19 January, Cardiff will instead play Dundee in the rescheduled Challenge Cup Quarter-Final Second Leg.
Further updates concerning Dundee’s weekend fixtures will be communicated following the results of confirmatory testing. An update will also follow regarding Belfast’s midweek game on 22 December.
Nottingham suspended all team activities on Monday. They will resume normal team activities from 24 December.
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Trade-Mart Dundee Stars Team
38 Games
15 Wins
20 Losses
3 OT Losses
33 Points