Hi Stars fans,

I hope all is well and everyone is getting excited for the season.

Looking ahead to the coming campaign, it is fair to say that this will not be an ordinary season.

This year will be a special one, not only for the club but also for the whole city of Dundee as we welcome back the highest level of ice hockey in the UK.

With the standard of the league growing before the pandemic year on year, I am excited to return to the levels of continued growth that we were experiencing before the pandemic with the aim of developing this club into one of the finest in the country.


Drydn Dow, Dundee Stars, Photo Derek Black


Season tickets sales have been very positive, so far and we can’t thank you enough for your continued support.

We have implemented different payment plans to aid any potential financial burden, giving our loyal fan base the opportunity to purchase their ticket at a cost-effective rate after a difficult year for all and with that in mind, if you are interested in renewing or purchasing your season ticket/s or have any questions on ticketing, please contact [email protected]

With the positivity around the club and the excitement surrounding the return of hockey, we are hoping to build on our season ticket sales records and to maintain our annual growth as a club, even after a pandemic year.



The support of our loyal fan base and sponsors has been instrumental and I cannot portray the thanks that I have for this backing in mere words.  Without our fans and sponsors, there would be no way we would have got through this pandemic. So thank you!

I understand that some may have concerns regarding returning to events with spectators and this has certainly been one of the main areas that the team at Dundee Ice Arena have been addressing.

The Arena management and staff are doing everything in their power to make the venue as safe and welcoming as possible, in anticipation of the return of supporters.

On behalf of the club, I would like to thank all at Dundee Ice Arena for making the effort to welcome back our fans in a safe and healthy environment and we will continue to work in partnership to ensure that this is the case for the duration of the season.


Action from the charity home game versus the Fife Flyers, photo Derek Black


The first preseason game will be special. Friday 17th September, face off 7pm, will see the first official ice hockey game since the pandemic in Scotland.

With our rivals Fife Flyers in town, I am sure that this will be the show our fans have been waiting for and I can’t wait to see the energy and emotion in the DIA that night.

I am sure it will be great for not only our fans but also the entire Scottish ice hockey community. Ticket information will be released in the coming weeks.




I am happy and excited with our recruitment. It has been an idiosyncratic summer, but I am confident this is a team that will compete, stick together and be a hard-working cohort.

We have added more size to our lineup and enhanced the depth.   I will not go into details about every individual player just now, but this team will aspire to make our fans proud night in and night out.

We have some great new signings to announce soon, so keep your eyes posted on all our social media outlets and website.



Finally, I know everyone at the club has worked tremendously hard to prepare for this upcoming season.

Though, I would like to take this opportunity to thank STARS TV for the great videos they’ve been putting out.

As a club we always want to improve daily and push to new heights and I am extremely proud of our innovative media team who continue to produce some of the most engaging social content in the league.

Thank you,


Latest News
Trade-Mart Dundee Stars Team
54 Games
22 Wins
25 Losses
7 OT Losses
51 Points