The Kitmart Dundee Stars are excited to reveal that we will be hosting a 20th Anniversary Dinner at the Invercarse Hotel, Dundee on Friday 18th March 2022

Having been in planning for some time, we are delighted to get the green light to go ahead, after the restrictions earlier in the year, on what will be a fantastic night to celebrate the clubs history!

The night will comprise of arrival drink, 3-course meal, speakers, games, raffle and auction. Tickets are £55 per person! All funds will go to the development of Dundee Stars Ice Hockey Club.

This dinner will be very popular, places will be extremely limited, so please email [email protected] to book your tickets.

Latest News
Trade-Mart Dundee Stars Team
40 Games
16 Wins
20 Losses
4 OT Losses
36 Points