The Kitmart Dundee Stars made it four wins in a row as they downed Cardiff Devils 5-3 on Wednesday night and continued their climb up the league table, to move into sixth place after 38 games.

By Kris Smith

For once this season, the Stars outnumbered their opponents, as Cardiff arrived in Dundee with only 16 players, compared to the home side’s 18 and they also continued with Brython Preece in net after his top performances last weekend.

The crowd were quickly welcomed into the game as Dundee’s enforcer, Kyle Haas dropped the gloves with Cardiff Mark Louis after just 39 seconds and the pair had a brief battle of blows, before Haas sent put his opponent on his back.

With the atmosphere set, the Stars then pushed on and opened the scoring on five minutes, as they capitalised on some extra space with both teams down to four skaters.

To read the full match report click on the link below

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Trade-Mart Dundee Stars Team
54 Games
22 Wins
25 Losses
7 OT Losses
51 Points