As part of our 20th season celebrations, the Kitmart Dundee Stars are excited to bringing you the special opportunity to vote for who should be in our coveted all-time starting six line-up.

Today, we bring you a special version of Stats of the Stars that is aimed at helping you make your decision when voting begins on tomorrow.

This article will compare the statistics of the 16 defenders that we have selected to be in with a chance of winning the two spots on the blueline in our all-time starting six.

However, you can still send in your own suggestions for other players we have not listed by using #StarsStartingSix.

Firstly, we begin by looking at how many games each defenseman played for the club and this includes both regular season and playoff matches.


  1. Sam McCluskey – 383

    Sam McCluskey (Picture by: Derek Black)
  2. Kris Inglis – 187
  3. Jeff Marshall – 143
  4. Kevin Hart – 129
  5. Drydn Dow – 122
  6. Shawn Boutin – 118
  7. Chris Conaboy – 114
  8. Chris Zarb – 106
  9. Jan Mikel – 86
  10. Scott Young – 73
  11. Mike Sullivan – 65
  12. Christian Borgatello & Felix-Antoine Poulin – 64
  13. Kevin Quick – 62
  14. Matt Suderman – 61
  15. Rory Rawlyk – 48


Scottish blueliner, McCluskey played a total of 10 seasons with the club, so it is no surprise to see him a top of this list but Rawlyk, who played the least amount of games, did make one of the more sizeable impacts during his year in Dundee.

Next, we rank the players by their total amount of points they collected with the Stars.


  1. Jeff Marshall – 167

    Drydn Dow (Picture by: Derek Black)
  2. Jan Mikel – 134
  3. Scott Young – 131
  4. Sam McCluskey – 128
  5. Drydn Dow – 86
  6. Chris Zarb – 63
  7. Felix-Antoine Poulin – 59
  8. Christian Borgatello & Kevin Hart – 56
  9. Shawn Boutin – 49
  10. Rory Rawlyk – 44
  11. Kevin Quick – 27
  12. Mike Sullivan – 21
  13. Kris Inglis – 15
  14. Chris Conaboy – 11
  15. Matt Suderman – 7



Many of the players who were skating for the Stars in the British National League era sit high up this list, as the team had a lot of offensive success in those four years.

However, Dow standouts as he put up that high total in just two Elite League seasons and it is a good return for a defenseman.


The players were then ranked by how many goals each scored for the club.


  1. Jeff Marshall – 67

    Scott Young (Picture by: Godfrey Mordente)
  2. Scott Young – 53
  3. Jan Mikel – 44
  4. Drydn Dow & Sam McCluskey – 26
  5. Felix-Antoine Poulin & Kevin Hart – 21
  6. Christian Borgatello – 15
  7. Chris Zarb – 10
  8. Rory Rawlyk – 9
  9. Shawn Boutin – 7
  10. Mike Sullivan – 6
  11. Kevin Quick – 4
  12. Chris Conaboy & Matt Suderman – 1
  13. Kris Inglis – 0



The same defenders are standing out at the top but while Marshall played six seasons for the Stars, Scott Young is not far behind him after only playing one full year in Dundee and small parts of two others.

Next to be compared was every defenders total number of assists in a Stars jersey.


  1. Sam McCluskey – 102

    Jeff Marshall (Picture by: Derek Black)
  2. Jeff Marshall – 100
  3. Jan Mikel – 90
  4. Scott Young – 78
  5. Drydn Dow – 60
  6. Chris Zarb – 53
  7. Shawn Boutin – 42
  8. Christian Borgatello – 41
  9. Felix-Antoine Poulin – 38
  10. Kevin Hart & Rory Rawlyk – 35
  11. Kevin Quick – 23
  12. Kris Inglis & Mike Sullivan – 15
  13. Chris Conaboy – 10
  14. Matt Suderman – 6



The two longest serving players out of the 16 top the list and the usual combination of BNL players and some of the best Elite League defenders to play for the club, are also high on the list.

Each defenders total of penalty minutes was next to be ranked and while some people see more as better, you typically want to spend more time on the ice than in the box.



  1. Sam McCluskey – 474

    Chris Zarb (Picture by: Derek Black)
  2. Chris Zarb – 398
  3. Scott Young – 287
  4. Matt Suderman – 201
  5. Jan Mikel – 173
  6. Chris Conaboy – 167
  7. Jeff Marshall – 164
  8. Shawn Boutin – 100
  9. Rory Rawlyk – 88
  10. Drydn Dow – 84
  11. Christian Borgatello – 80
  12. Kris Inglis – 73
  13. Kevin Hart – 46
  14. Felix-Antoine Poulin – 40
  15. Kevin Quick – 36
  16. Mike Sullivan – 27



McCluskey’s 10 year service does cause him to be high up this list but his average penalty minutes per season was only 47 minutes.

Whereas, players like Zarb and Young, who only spent a few years in Dundee, racked up quite a lot compared to Sullivan’s one season tally of 27.


Finally, each players points per game totals were compared and this statistic is calculated by taking a players total points and dividing that by their total games played.


  1. Scott Young – 1.79

    Rory Rawlyk (Picture by: Derek Black)
  2. Jan Mikel – 1.56
  3. Jeff Marshall – 1.17
  4. Felix-Antoine Poulin & Rory Rawlyk – 0.92
  5. Christian Borgatello – 0.87
  6. Drydn Dow – 0.70
  7. Chris Zarb – 0.59
  8. Kevin Quick – 0.44
  9. Kevin Hart – 0.43
  10. Shawn Boutin – 0.42
  11. Sam McCluskey – 0.33
  12. Mike Sullivan – 0.32
  13. Matt Suderman – 0.11
  14. Chris Conaboy – 0.10
  15. Kris Inglis – 0.08



Some of the BNL players were well clear at the top of this list and those who have a PPG over 1, they all played more than just one season with the club.

However, to be achieving close to a point per game in the EIHL era is still a remarkable achievement.



GP – Games Played

G – Goals

A – Assists

P – Points  

PIMS – Penalty Minutes

PPG – Points Per Game

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Trade-Mart Dundee Stars Team
54 Games
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51 Points